Links & Articles

Home ECG Device Rental
Jo, a 42 year old peri-menopausal woman had some debilitating (and very scary) heart arrhythmias. As there’s a 12 month wait time for public hospital Holter Monitors, she's set up a small service offering portable ECG devices for rent, NZ wide.
Jo is also a Registered Nurse and cardiac is one of her specialities. 12 months is just too long to wait for people to get proper diagnosis and treatment!
No GP referral is needed. Prices start from $85 for a one week rental (plus a refundable security deposit for the device). The device is couriered directly to the customers address with a prepaid return courier envelope for when it needs to be returned. Full support and instructions included in the price as well as postage.
Unlimited ECGs can be taken while renting the device and they can then be directly emailed to your GP (or printed out).
For more information please go to Jo's websie:
Guideline on the Management of Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
From the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, the first ever guidelines created to standardise diagnosis, treatment and management of women with POF/POI. First published in 2015, this is an excellent resource offering information for clinicians and patients alike.
Primary Ovarian Insufficiency talk by Dr Stella Milsom
Australasian Menopause Society 2014 Congress, Auckland, NZ
Primary Ovarian Insufficiency talk by Dr Stella Milsom, Endocrinologist, and Nicole Evans, NZ Early Menopause Support Group Co-ordinator
We hope you enjoy watching this talk given to medical professionals outlining the symptoms, diagnosis, management and long-term considerations of this condition.
Slides 26–39 cover the support group portion of the talk.
A big thank you to Pfizer who sponsored the talk and gave us permission to use this video.
Useful Websites
As well as supporting women going through early menopause / premature ovarian failure (POF) we also aim to help raise awareness in wider society of a condition that is both surprisingly common and potentially devastating to the individuals afflicted.
The Daisy Network is a terrific site. It’s specifically for prematurely menopausal women which is great. There is lots of info on the site itself, but I think the real benefits stem from becoming a member. There is a minimal cost involved but this provides all sorts of benefits. They’ve recently come down-under to support Australian women living with this condition.
The North American Menopause Society
This is the North American Menopause Society site and provides a lot of reliable information, as well their “Early Menopause Guidebook” that you can download for free!
Australasian Menopause Society
Since 1988 the AMS has been at the forefront of new directions in women’s health and aims to bring accurate, evidence-based information to health professionals and the community.
The Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health
The Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health is a general site for women’s health, but has a section on Early Menopause (see topics in right hand column)
Fertility New Zealand is committed to supporting, advocating for and educating all people who face infertility challenges at all stages of their journey and beyond.
Fertility Friends is a meeting place for couples in the fertility community. Has a great discussion board.
Our mission is to educate our community to raise awareness about all gynaecological cancers and support those affected.
This is a British site with easy to read information sheets, designed “for individuals who want more than the basic information about a particular condition”. My specialist directed me to this site when I was first diagnosed. The article on POF gave me pretty much a summary of what she’d told me, but in black and white which was very handy to refer to while all the new terminology was swirling around in my head. The HRT article is also very informative and it also includes a description of the various types available.
Health tools for patients and caregivers, provided by the Endocrine Society.
Informative Movie
Hot Flash Havoc the movie!
“HOT FLASH HAVOC is enlightening, entertaining, humorous, profound, and is a crash-course in what you need to know about menopause. It has the power to be a life-changing experience for every woman.”
While not specifically aimed at the prematurely menopausal woman, there’s a lot of trustworthy information in this documentary. They cover the physiological and psychological effects of menopause and present a broad discussion of the treatment options available, focussing heavily on clarifying the benefits and risks of hormone therapy. The specialist interviews are interspersed with a variety of real-life stories and the result is an easy-to-understand and entertaining film. We hope you enjoy it.
Rent from Vimeo or purchase the DVD.
Audio CDs (Available to members on request)
Four recordings available:
Why Ovaries Fail – Keynote Address from Dr Gerard Conway, University College London Hospital, London
Management of Premature Ovarian Failure – Dr Gerard Conway, University College London Hospital, London
Psychological Aspects & Counselling – Dr Mandy Deeks, Jean Hailes Foundation, Melbourne
Infertility & Ovarian Reserves / Fertility Preservation – Dr Kate Stern, Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne
One recording available:
Premature Ovarian Insufficiency [aka POF] is not early menopause – Dr. Lawrence Nelson, National Institutes of Health